St John of God payment revelations

Sir, – I write with regard to the upsetting revelations in your newspaper concerning payments to some St John of God employees ("St John of God made secret payments of ¤6.24m to managers", June 2nd).

A number of monthly donors and I have cancelled our standing orders with immediate effect.

We have contacted St John of God requesting reimbursement of our donations going back many years.We continue to support other charities monthly.

We are all compliant PAYE workers, resident in Ireland, and by no means wealthy, but felt a moral duty, because of our relative good standards of living and good fortune, to give back directly to charities doing work on the ground with the less fortunate.


How does one rate a good society? Who suffers? The children and adults for whom St John of God does splendid work. Because of this, we would return to donating to St John of God should its house be put in order, with those accountable relieved of their positions, and proper administrative controls and good governance to be seen to be put in place.

We have ignored previous revelations in years past after being reassured by the St John of God organisation.

Will “heads roll”? Will excessive non-transparent salaries and pension fundings be reimbursed?

Many of your readers are long enough in the tooth to know how the ruling cabals in Ireland dodge accountability and protect themselves.

It is difficult to repress cynicism.

I would state that I accept the need for charities to employ professionals in the fields of advocacy, charity governance and fundraising, but within certain monitored constraints, such as regulation, accountability and total transparency.

I hope your journalists continue their good work. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.