Sound observations

Sir, – While there is nothing new about the fact that many people do not frequent church or chapel on the Sabbath day – and that is absolutely their own business – there is the aggravating urban corollary that Sunday need not be a day of rest for anyone else. From early morning nowadays the peace is shattered by hedge-cutters, strimmers, lawnmowers, pressure washers, leaf-blowers, and other noisy power tools.

The days of filled churches may be past, but it seems the days of a quiet Sunday lie-in have gone too. – Yours, etc,


Sandymount, Dublin 4.


Sir, – A great many villages and towns across Ireland use the August bank holiday weekend to stage festivals. More power to them. Perhaps, though, they could up their game a little and widen such events beyond beer-fuelled festivities with the odd bit of face-painting thrown in. Yours, etc,


Bray, Co Wicklow.