Sludge on Dollymount Strand

Sir, – One of my favourite local walks, is over the Wooden Bridge, at Dollymount, in Clontarf, Dublin, and then along the beach, with the waves lapping the shoreline. This has been a lifetime time pursuit, a few times a week, in all seasons. The fresh sea air is envigorating and good for the soul.

In recent times this walk has become impossible.

The stench of sewage, as you walk towards the end of the pier, is appalling.

Layers upon layers of dark brown sludge, coming with every tide.


The council, in fairness, is doing its best at a clean-up, by creating little mountains of sludge along the beach.

This situation has been ongoing throughout the summer and looks likely to continue indefinitely.

I waited in anticipation for the local residents let their voices be heard and shout their disgust, from the rooftops.

Compare and contrast this reaction to the new wall along the seafront, which was a few centimetres too high thus blocking the view of drivers, as they sailed by, in their cars.

I await with bated breath an outcry over the sewage. – Yours, etc,


Raheny, Dublin 5.