Sale of alcohol on Good Friday

Sir, – The Dáil has voted in favour of the Intoxicating Liquor (Amendment) Bill 2017, which will allow alcohol to be sold on Good Friday. Justifying this change, Minister of State for Equality David Stanton pointed out that changing demographics and increasing diversity in our population have led to a reduction in traditional religious practice, while Senator Billy Lawless welcomed the Bill as another progressive step in Ireland’s long journey of separation between church and State.

The logical next step is that the Government introduce legislation to require public offices, banks and other businesses along with schools and shops to open in the normal way on Good Friday as it is no longer observed as a day of religious solemnity. The move on Christmas Day can come later.

Our GNP would benefit from an extra day’s productivity in manufacturing and services, and Good Friday would become just another ordinary day for work and drinking.

In the meantime, we few remaining persecuted Christians will go on quietly observing our Good Friday religious observances.


The changes will not affect us in any way. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 16.

Sir, – There will no longer be a law to forbid the sale of alcohol in pubs on Good Friday. This is not just about the sale of alcohol but is another attempt to disregard the Christian faith and change Irish culture.

The practice of making little sacrifices to honour the huge sacrifice made by Jesus of Nazareth for love of all humanity is now seen by some people as irrelevant.

Our senior citizens remember when few people had money but many had faith in God. At that time a great number of men and women, young and old, took a pledge, with God’s help, to give up alcohol for life. Millions prayed morning and night offering their day to God. Homes were happy as a result and people became more confident.

The custom of pubs not selling alcohol as a mark of respect on Good Friday was honoured and most shops and businesses were closed on Sundays.

Our present Government tends to listen to the crowd rather than look at the bigger picture and work for lasting happiness.

On average three people die every day as a result of alcohol abuse in Ireland. We need to seek God’s help to deal with our problems. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 12.