Road safety

Sir, – I refer to '"Deeply concerning' trend as road deaths up 72 per cent on last year" (News, April 13th).

Those of us who use a bicycle to get around are not surprised by this news.

We see the the extent of phone use behind the wheel.

We experience the “MGIF” (must get in front) drivers who risk it all by overtaking around a blind bend rather than waiting a few seconds.


Even motorists who stick to the speed limit are often subject to aggressive tailgating and overtaking from other drivers.

People are encasing themselves in bigger and bigger cars that increase the risk of serious injury or death for their occupants and other road users, especially pedestrians and cyclists.

Among the measures that would help is an online portal for submitting video evidence of dangerous driving to An Garda Síochána.

Responding to a recent parliamentary question, the Minister for Justice gave a lukewarm response that An Garda Síochána would “explore the potential” by the last quarter of the year.

Appealing for people to slow down and share the road is not working. Without action on a video portal, “vision zero” might as well be called “zero vision”. – Yours, etc,



Co Wexford.