Red Hugh O’Donnell

Sir, – I read Prof Jane Ohlmeyer's article with interest and not a little dismay at the lack of vision regarding what may prove to be the discovery of Red Hugh O'Donnell's remains ("Who was Red Hugh O'Donnell? The 'fiery' symbol of Gaelic resistance", Analysis, June 1st).

Rather than such a remarkable event being marked by the performance of a play, the finding of the remains of one of the last Gaelic chieftains who fought against the imposition of English rule in Ireland should require the return of Red Hugh’s remains to the county of his birth and by a state funeral in the land no longer occupied by the colonial power against whom he fought.

By the way, Prof Ohlmeyer may wish to note that Brian Friel, although a long-term resident of Donegal, was a native of Tyrone. – Yours, etc,




Co Donegal.