Recycling plastic waste

Sir, – Kevin O'Sullivan's articles on household recycling upgrades were very informative (September 6th). He states that presently we recycle 31 per cent of all plastic packaging. EU targets are 50 per cent by 2025. This is a tall order considering our record to date.

Dublin City Council, and I’m sure most other councils, empty public space bins into general waste. Surely a segregation system should be introduced which would up the plastics percentage greatly, with the added bonus of recycling glass bottles. The resulting public awareness spin-off would be a further bonus. – Yours,etc,




Dublin 4.

A chara, – As per your article on September 6th, it is fantastic news that household recycling facilities now accept soft plastics. However, I would like to highlight the fact that our public spaces, such as parks, beaches and town centres, have few public recycling bins. This became obvious during the lockdowns when people began socialising outside more. Our walkways and waterways became polluted with litter, much of which consisted of cans and plastics. Now that we have the facilities to recycle plastics, we need the public recycling infrastructure so that we can enjoy the outdoors and dispose of our waste correctly. It would be great if the Government could address this issue. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 24.

Sir, – Burning plastics in a cement kiln is not “replacing fossil fuels” (Editorial, September 7th). It is substituting one fossil fuel for another. – Yours, etc,


Rosslare Harbour,

Co Wexford.