Public transport in the capital

A chara, – The restrictions on and rerouting of Dublin Bus routes in order to facilitate the Luas Cross City make no sense when you consider that Dublin Bus carried 138 million passengers last year compared to 30 million Luas passengers.

Not only that, but the seemingly endless stream of delays, overcrowding and traffic jams as a result of the new Luas do not seem to have anybody in Dublin City Council holding their hands up and taking responsibility.

It seems that in their vendetta against the combustion engine, no amount of disruption and hassle in the daily lives of the people of Dublin is too big a price to pay. The time has long since passed for a directly elected mayor for Dublin, who will have to answer to the people of Dublin for decisions taken. – Is mise,




Dublin 12.

Sir, – Bus commuters have been complaining about how long extra it is taking to travel short distances in Dublin city centre since the new Luas Cross City service came into being. All were making the point that it was taking 30 minutes to do a journey which once took 10 minutes or less. I suggest that those fit enough should walk the journey, thus helping their health both from a physical and a mental point a view, while also helping the environment. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.