Political leadership and the arts

Sir, – In the context of the Fine Gael leadership contest, both Leo Varadkar and Simon Coveney have discussed their visions and economic plans for the arts in Ireland.

Many wonder why the arts are relevant in the context of the race to be the next proposed leader of our Government.

The arts are integral to the lives of everyone in society, whether they realise it or not.

During times of economic strain political leaders often seen the arts as the first choice for budget cuts.


When governments reduce their support for the arts, it is not simply a case of cutting frills. Rather, they’re undercutting an vibrant industry that is a cornerstone of tourism, economic growth, and cultural development.

When we increase support for the arts, we are generating tax revenues, jobs, and a creativity-based economy.

It seems like an easy win for all involved. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 3.