Older cars and carbon footprint

Sir, – I read Kevin O Sullivan's article "Does your carbon footprint matter?" (Analysis, March 19th).

I was glad to see the recommendation to keep your current vehicle for longer. Current environmental campaigns about electric cars have people thinking buying an electric car is good for the environment. It’s not.

No level of electric car emissions will ever make up for an emission of a tonne of complex metal being consigned to a landfill.

At 48, I’m still driving my first car; yes, it’s a banger but I’m hoping to get many more years out of it. Isn’t that environmentally better than replacing a car every few years, fuelling car production?


If Tesco can campaign with “A bag for life”, could car manufacturers offer “A car for life”? Shouldn’t manufacturers be compelled to offer spare parts for 30 years? Perhaps the manufacturers’ shiny new car adverts should have a statement that keeping your old car running for longer is likely to be better for the environment? – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.