Nursing homes and empty houses

Sir, – Very few people choose to live in nursing homes. Many are being “detained” in State-funded nursing homes or in hospital beds because of a lack of alternative care options, according to a report by support and advocacy service Sage. The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission says it is concerned about the abuse and mistreatment in residential settings, including centres for people with intellectual disabilities and centres for older people (“People in Irish nursing homes face ‘cruel and degrading treatment’”, News, July 27th).

We have seen a cheap shot by the present Government to distract attention from the failure by every government for the last 40 years to plan and implement a national housing policy.

A genuine national housing policy would include schemes to assist older people to remain in their own homes, provide access to affordable, appropriate community housing and high-quality nursing homes.

With such schemes in place, the potential of vacant houses could then be examined. – Yours, etc,





Co Galway.

Sir, – As a newly arrived member of the “Older Club” (63), I am appalled at the notion that the Government might attempt to appropriate my house in any fashion.

I have paid my taxes, my mortgage, my property tax, even my ill-fated water charges. I owe nobody nothing.

Since I am now in semi-retirement due to blatantly ageist recruitment policies, I give the Government fair warning that I have plenty of time on my hands to chain myself to the Dáil gates or take whatever action necessary to dissuade anybody from annexing my property. I imagine there are plenty in the club who would join me. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.