NI and integrated education

Sir, – Newton Emerson rightly highlights the significance of the first Catholic school in Northern Ireland to transform to integrated status but seems unaware that it will become a controlled integrated school operating under the aegis of the Education Authority, with the potential of some compensation to the Catholic Church for the loss of the property ("North needs new policy on integrated education", Opinion & Analysis, April 1st).

He also seems to be unaware that the school was previously involved in a shared education partnership which may have contributed to its laudatory success in attracting a diverse intake. He suggests the DUP and Sinn Féin are “deeply cynical” in their support of shared education, but the 700-plus schools who are involved in shared education partnerships are anything but cynical in their commitment to collaboration and cooperation in their local communities.

We do need a more inclusive education system in Northern Ireland and the forthcoming independent review provides an opportunity for society-wide conversations on practical strategies for achieving this goal and removing the inequalities which bedevil our current system. – Yours, etc,



School of Social Sciences,

Education and Social Work,

Queen’s University,
