Motorways and road safety

Sir, – Along with your recent article on the N20 ("Traffic accidents four times more likely to be fatal on N20 Cork-Limerick road", News, May 25th), which cites the cause of danger as "vehicles travelling at speed", Finbar Kearns (Letters, May 28th) says the N11 to Rosslare suffers from juggernauts travelling "at speed".

The solution to both these problems is apparently to build motorways. Why not enforce the speed limits? Lower them if necessary. Average speed cameras placed at regular intervals along each road would help, along with road engineering works to remove danger at specific blackspots.

This would be much cheaper and negate the need to build environmentally damaging motorways while we are in the midst of a climate crisis. – Yours, etc,




Co Kildare.

Sir,– Surely the obvious solution to road safety isn’t simply about building more motorways but reducing both the speed and number of motorists on the road. For example, a 20km/h speed limit reduction for all single-lane roads, as well a huge revival and expansion of Ireland’s rail networks.

Given the need to improve energy efficiency and reduce congestion in cities, it makes no sense to focus on an inefficient car-centric transport infrastructure. – Yours, etc,

