Microwave ovens – a heated debate

Sir, – Further to "Study finds microwaves may be frying up the environment" (January 18th), I see that scientists in Manchester have discovered that microwave ovens are powered by electricity! This could explain why the manufacturers generally supply a mains lead and a plug. It makes me proud to be British that a great British university has made this earth-shattering discovery.

Does anybody try to consider the nonsensical nature of the claim? Microwave ovens are vastly more efficient for heating things up than conventional ovens. A more appropriate and rounded, although dull, headline could be “Scientists discover that use of microwaves is helping to save the planet by reducing power consumption in warming and cooking food”. As a graduate of Manchester University, I can only plead that it was a rather better place 45 years ago. – Yours, etc,




Co Kildare.