Mass vaccination

Sir, – All governments have a mammoth task over the next six months as they endeavour to organise mass immunisation against Covid-19.

Two measures might be considered this month.

Ireland’s vast network of churches (of all denominations) should, for reasons of site, scale and accessibility, be considered as venues for around-the-clock vaccine delivery. There are also thousands of retired nurses and doctors in this country who have been forced through mounting bureaucracy and increasing cost to relinquish both professional registration and indemnity in the last decade.

Ireland needs to do what was done in the UK at the start of the pandemic, automatically restore health professionals in good standing to their registers. We are a nation with a long and proud history of volunteering. Our Government needs to focus on making this an easy process rather than the more cumbersome one it has become in recent years. – Yours, etc,



(Retired GP),

Dublin 6W.