Labour in crisis

Sir, – Your opinion poll in July had the Labour Party at 3 per cent. I don’t remember the party having that low a percentage in recent times. It has sent alarm bells throughout a party whose very future is now at stake.

In Dublin South West, the constituency once had two Labour TDs, Mervyn Taylor and myself, but in recent times no TD.

The only hope of reviving the party is to return to core Labour policies and principles. Labour councillors have a significant role to play to save the party from a total wipeout. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 12.

Sir, – The only chance of saving the Labour Party would have been if Joan Burton, on becoming leader and tánaiste, had withdrawn support for the water charges, and been prepared to bring the government down over it. She didn’t: the Labour Party is now in its completely predictable state.

Alan Kelly still defends water charges: his style may be different, but the substance is the same, and I for one still cringe when I recall his antics on finally being elected at the last election.

The Labour Party would seem to have reached its historical terminus, a fate that has befallen just about every party associated with cadres from the Democratic Left. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.