Israel’s election and Palestine

Sir, – Israel has gone to the polls. For millions of Palestinians the election and its outcome mean just one thing. The only certainty is that the illegal occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and the blockade of Gaza, will continue. No party seems to have a programme for peace and all are committed to maintaining and expanding the occupation. So, today, millions of Palestinians who live under Israeli occupation and blockade are mere observers to an election the result of which will govern their lives for years to come.

In January this year TDs backed the Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories) Bill which bans the sale in Ireland of goods produced by Israel in the occupied territories. If passed into law it would set an example to the international community and show that in Ireland at least the rights of the Palestinian people will not be whitewashed from political discourse. – Yours, etc,


Board Member,


Sadaka, the

Ireland-Palestine Alliance,

Blackrock, Co Dublin.