Isolating Sandymount

Sir, – I read in The Irish Times that the Green Party would propose to levy a site tax based on proximity to transport services, while Irish Rail proposes eliminating all level crossings from Lansdowne Road to Merrion Gates in Dublin ("Green Party eyes higher property tax for more valuable sites", News, January 2nd; "¤2 billion Dart expansion plans could see 'elimination' of level crossings", News, January 2nd).

Maybe the two should talk. My property, and thousands of others, are not going to be too valuable if we can’t get to or from them.

Irish Rail, not noted as a very far-sighted organisation, already blocks access at Serpentine Avenue with its excessively long downtimes.

A huge opportunity was missed to sink the railway into a cutting from Merrion under the Aviva when the stadium was built.


Proposing to isolate everything on the eastern side of the railway is a nonsense. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.