Irish Rail and parking at stations

Sir, – I would like to question the devil-may-care attitude adopted by Irish Rail with regard to its provision of customer parking at Sallins train station.

The company sells daily parking tickets alongside discounted annual parking tickets to hard-pressed commuters, who then find there are no spaces available from early morning.

Navigating through the car park is akin to completing an obstacle course as commuters are forced to park across yellow boxes, double white lines and anywhere they can squeeze their vehicle, which severely restricts ease of access and egress.

Aside from the obvious safety concerns of allowing this daily car maze situation to continue, surely Irish Rail must provide some type of response other than “the District office have confirmed that Iarnród Éireann do not own any more land to extend the parking facilities at Sallins station so car park spaces are secured on a first come basis”.


So there you have it. Perhaps the new Irish Rail slogan should be “You pays your money (upfront for the year) and you takes your chances!” – Yours, etc,




Co Kildare.