Ireland’s Future

A chara, – Your obituary of the late Seamus Mallon referenced Ireland's Future: "'Ireland's Future'/Think 32 lobby (is) regarded by traditional SDLP circles as a Sinn Féin front" (January 24th).

We are happy to clarify that these unnamed sources are incorrect. We can only assume these sources do not include the SDLP leader Colum Eastwood, who made a valued and thoughtful contribution to the Ireland’s Future conference in Belfast’s Waterfront Hall this time last year, or the SDLP’s partners in Fianna Fáil, who were represented at the Waterfront by their party deputy leader, Dara Calleary.

Ireland’s Future is made up of members from across the island’s civic spectrum. There is no hidden agenda, only an enthusiastic and positive engagement in an emerging constitutional conversation. This conversation is happening on both the islands of Ireland and Britain, and is an exciting opportunity to reimagine relationships, building stronger political, economic, cultural and social futures for citizens living on this island. – Is mise,




Ireland’s Future,
