In the swim of things

Sir, – Jennifer O'Connell writes that the people giving out about dryrobe wearers want us to know that they have been swimming in the sea at Sandycove forever without the need for any kit fancier than a SuperValu bag ("Dryrobe culture wars a symbol of change", Opinion & Analysis, November 21st).

I remember when you could swim in Sandycove without any kit at all! – Yours, etc,





Co Dublin.

A chara, – Sad to see The Irish Times falling for an obvious prank, and basing an entire opinion piece on some joke signs that never graced a lamppost outside of Photoshop and Twitter.

Satire and social media hoaxes excepted, there is no actual conflict between regular sea swimmers and dryrobe wearers; in fact, many seasoned dippers have embraced the practicality and comfort of this innovative garment.

Neither is “Dryrobe Man” an accurate moniker, seeing as a clear majority of wearers are women – and more power to them!

Finally, let it be noted that there is no shortage of sea, and plenty of changing space for everyone who cares to enjoy it. And if a few more people have vigorously taken up this healthy pursuit of late, that’s something to be celebrated not lampooned. – Is mise,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – As winter kicks in and temperatures drop, the need to wear well-insulated clothing while sea swimming makes infinite sense, and a nicely insulated robe is kind comfort.

All sea swimmers need to just relax and live and let live, while observing the health guidelines around social distancing.

Should the weather get really nippy after Christmas, as it did when the Beast from the East and Storm Emma struck a few years back, the wet suit that Santa brought might come in handy too for that dip in the sea. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.