Hospital visiting restrictions

Sir, – While I welcome the widespread pushback against the Covid-19 visitor restrictions in maternity hospitals, I would like to raise the point that we should be looking for a change of Covid visitor restrictions in all our hospitals.

Hospital admission for anybody is an extremely stressful time for both the person involved and their family. Stopping a person’s loved ones from visiting them and providing much-needed emotional support during a hospital stay when they are at their most physically and mentally vulnerable can be catastrophic. Current visiting restrictions could also discourage many ill people from seeking out much-needed medical attention in hospitals as they fear isolation for days on end.

I understand that a Covid outbreak in a hospital setting could have devastating consequences for both patients and our already overburdened healthcare staff, but we also know that Covid will be around for many years and we need to adapt. Since we now know that wearing masks correctly and being vaccinated drastically limit the spread, I feel a better balance of visiting restrictions against a potential Covid outbreak could be maintained.

I would like to see the HSE provide the available evidence that justifies the blanket no visiting rule (unless end-of-life or critical care) in many hospitals and would welcome a much more open discussion on the topic then just let these restrictions blindly continue without question.


I would think that with nightclubs opening soon and sporting events going back into full capacity, the inhumane action of isolation while in hospital must be re-examined. – Yours, etc,



Co Meath.