Hospital care in Glasgow versus Ireland

Sir, – I have recently returned from a visit to Glasgow where my father was taken seriously ill. He received wonderful care and is now thankfully on the mend.

I was surprised by the exceptionally high quality and efficiency of the hospital system in place in Glasgow. I spent some time in A&E, in a general hospital and a specialised cardiac care hospital in Glasgow over a period three days.

There was no overcrowding, nobody on trolleys, no sparsely staffed wards or departments and he stayed in private rooms with excellent facilities (as did all patients). Staff morale seemed very high. These were fully public hospitals.

My father does not have private healthcare provision.


I strongly suggest the Joint Committee on Health visit these facilities, with the appropriate HSE management in tow and bring this level of care to our shores with all haste.

If Scotland can manage this, then so can Ireland. There can be no more excuses. – Yours, etc,

