Honouring role of nuns in education

Sir, – I was heartened to read Larissa Nolan's article "How nuns schooled today's torch-bearers of feminism", Education, October 20th).

It is refreshing to read an appreciation of those forgotten cohorts of women who contributed in moulding so many of our fine young women for generations. Not alone in Ireland, but all over the world, the absence of these educators is sadly lamented.

I was educated by the Ursuline nuns at St Angelus College, Cork, in the 1950s. I empathised with the many tributes paid to these gallant women by our present torch-bearers. We received a broad, holistic education where the individual was valued, with each assured that they had a contribution to make, however small, in an ever-changing world.

Thank you for a welcome distraction from the present doom and gloom. – Yours, etc,



