Hearing is believing

Sir, – Reading Anne Harris's thoughtful article on men, children and the lockdown ("Fatherhood could be the big winner from lockdown", Opinion & Analysis, June 3rd) , I was interested in her experience of "doing a Maeve Binchy" – practising the subtle art of eavesdropping.

I had my own “Maeve Binchy” moment recently on Dún Laoghaire’s west pier.

A young man came towards me. He was accompanied by an older woman from whom he was maintaining social distance.

This necessitated speaking at a volume above the norm. I heard him say, “Of course most of those people are probably already in the departure lounge.”


I stopped and watched him walk by. He didn’t notice me – as I approach my 70s this level of invisibility is not uncommon.

If I had been braver I would have run after him and berated him for his casual and cruel ageism; instead I let him go, thinking that one day he will find himself in the same “departure lounge”, and may prefer to linger rather than taking off for an uncertain and frightening destination. – Yours, etc,


Dún Laoghaire,

Co Dublin.