Have the children been asked?

Sir, – As a parent of a child who attends a special reading school it is with grave concern that I read the NCSE recent progress report on special schools and classes (“Is a fully inclusive school system right for Ireland?” Carl O’Brien, November 19th). The report states that a separate special education system is not compatible with its (Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities) view.

Have the children been asked? In the few months my son has been attending the special reading school his self-esteem has soared – no longer do I hear the phrase I’m stupid but rather he is confident and comfortable in his learning environment. He can acknowledge his difference and be assured that the two years he will spend here will have a life-changing impact on his quality of life and I believe a lifelong love of learning.

Instead of closing special reading schools we should be opening more so that every child in the country who has a severe reading disability can avail of the life-changing teaching that these schools offer. I fear that this is a cost-saving exercise that will impact on some of the most vulnerable citizens of this State. – Is mise,





Co Wicklow.