Haulbowline clean-up call

Sir, – The Irish Maritime Forum (TIMARFOR) welcomes the remediation of the East Tip on Haulbowline Island (Home News, December 15th) and wishes to congratulate all involved in the project. The Haulbowline Island Recreational Park will be a valuable amenity for local residents and all who visit the area. It will also enhance the beauty of Cork Harbour which is a jewel in Ireland’s maritime crown.

However, the work is not yet complete. There remains the derelict site of the steel plant itself which is a dangerous and unsightly gash running north-south in the centre of the island dividing the naval base in two. In January 2016 Tánaiste Simon Coveney promised an “all-island approach” to the clean-up needed on Haulbowline Island. TIMARFOR urges that the remediation of the steel plant site and the renovation of the derelict buildings in the area be commenced without delay and without dipping into the already meagre Defence budget. The men and women who serve in Ireland’s Navy deserve nothing less. – Yours, etc,


(On behalf of the Irish Maritime Forum),


Irish Navy Retired, Co Cork.