Guiding Boris

Sir, – Nearly three decades ago, in June 1990, when we were both young journalists, I encountered Boris Johnson in Dublin. He was completely lost. Attempting to reach an EU summit hosted by Charles Haughey, the Daily Telegraph’s Brussels correspondent and a photographer (behind the wheel) somehow managed to find themselves on Terenure Road East. Seeking help, Mr Johnson rolled down the passenger window and bawled at me: “Dublin Castle!” I explained in broad and friendly terms how he could arrive at his destination.

No gratitude was exhibited, nor did his features evince any amused or ironic comprehension of the ludicrousness of his then position.

He merely swung his face, cranked the window, pointed ahead and bellowed at his colleague: “Forward!” They screeched off.

This time around, with the British prime minister soon to visit Dublin, I can offer no guidance but watch with keenest interest. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – Reading that the British prime minister will enter EU meetings “with oomph”, I assume that’s his anticipated speed in miles per hour? – Yours, etc,



Co Cork.