Goodbye Dara Murphy . . .

Sir, – They say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but Miriam Lord’s requiem for Dara Murphy, (“Dara who?”, November 28th) was spot-on.

The voters of Cork North-Central will shed no tears as he takes up his appointment to Bulgarian MEP Mariya Gabriel’s cabinet (along with his role in the European People’s Party – one job or two?).

His most notable service to his country for many years has been self service, rocking up to the Dáil only to trouser his huge salary and maximum expenses.

Worry not about The Boys of Fairhill falling silent, Miriam. They will be adding Dara, We Hardly Knew You, to their playlist. – Yours, etc,



Montenotte, Cork.

Sir, – Harry McGee informs us that Dara Murphy last contributed to a Dáil debate some two years ago (Home News, November 29th). He goes on to tell us that the Taoiseach stated that Murphy’s main job for these two years was European: “But his main job has been a European job in the past two years”.

In view of this, could the Taoiseach explain why this State paid Dara Murphy a salary and allowances of €291,200 for the same two years? – Yours, etc,



Co Monaghan.