Getting hold of your mortgage contract

Sir, – A word of warning to anyone following Evan O'Dwyer's advice to submit a data request to their bank to get their mortgage contract ("Not just a tracker issue", Fiona Reddan, October 28th).

I did exactly that last year in relation to my own tracker account and received 153 pages of documents from AIB purporting to be my entire file held by the bank.

When I reviewed these documents I discovered, to my concern, that the part of the mortgage agreement granting me a right to a tracker was not included in the 153 pages of documents.

The bank dismissed my subsequent queries on this over the next number of months so out of frustration I filed a complaint with the Data Commissioner.


Miraculously, within a few days of receipt of the complaint from the Data Commissioner, the bank was able to send me a complete copy of my contract, including the term granting me a right to a tracker rate; and sent by registered post no less.

This, of course, raised even more still unanswered questions but the moral of the story is: when dealing with your bank, question everything. – Yours, etc,


Portobello, Dublin 8.