Gender-based violence – a global problem

Sir, – While the issue of gender-based violence (GBV) has gained huge attention recently with the tragic death of Ashling Murphy and the RTÉ Primetime Investigates special, it is important to remember that this is not a crisis exclusive to Ireland. It is a “pandemic within a pandemic”, affecting millions of women and girls all over the world.

GBV is one of the most pervasive and fundamental violations of human rights, which undermines the health, dignity, security and autonomy of its victims. Globally, an estimated one in three women will experience physical or sexual abuse in her lifetime. Yet it remains shrouded in a culture of silence and inaction.

GBV knows no social, economic, or national boundaries, but the harsh reality is that women and girls in developing countries, who are hugely impacted by climate change, conflict and Covid-19, are most vulnerable.

Covid-19 has led to a surge in GBV, with millions of women and girls experiencing limited access to functioning services, exposing them to risks.


This is compounded by conflict and the continued acceleration of the climate crisis which have seen livelihoods destroyed and people displaced, multiplying risk factors for GBV.

The Irish Consortium on Gender Based Violence (ICGBV) is an alliance of human rights, humanitarian and development organisations, Irish Aid and the Defence Forces formed in 2005 to address the high levels of violence perpetrated in international conflict and crisis situations.

This week it launched a new strategic plan for 2021 to 2026 in which it set out its priorities to tackle GBV.

I welcome Minister for Justice Helen McEntee’s commitment that the imminent Third National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence is to take a zero-tolerance approach in Ireland, but the Government must also leverage its political and leadership capital to address GBV and advance gender equality at international level.

In recent years, Ireland has demonstrated its commitment and leadership on efforts to eradicate GBV. Now more than ever, this vital work will require increased funds to ensure that we create a world where survivors are supported and protected, a world where women’s rights are valued, and a world beyond fear for women and girls.

To achieve lasting change, our new strategy makes recommendations in three areas: the promotion of GBV prevention programming and gender equality to address the power imbalances between males and females, advancing GBV risk mitigation within humanitarian and development work, and strengthening the response to GBV through survivor-centred service provision.

GBV is a global issue we cannot continue to ignore. We must act now to ensure a world free of violence for women and girls everywhere. – Yours, etc,


Chief Executive,



Irish Consortium

on Gender Based Violence,


Co Kildare.