Garda Síochána reform plan

Sir, – Is anyone surprised by the collective moaning and groaning that has followed the announcement of Garda Commissioner Drew Harris’s reorganisation plan? Who’s doing the moaning? All the usual vested interests, many of whom have continuously worked against reform over the years. We also have the usual bleating by politicians, claiming that their constituents will have fewer gardaí present in their local areas. Populist, self-serving stances have been adopted, while in reality the plan is to have more frontline gardaí available to the public.

We should wish the Commissioner the best with his plan and he should be fully supported by the Government. An Garda Síochána has been a body in need of reorganisation and reform for decades. We should welcome all Mr Harris’s efforts, as he has been a breath of fresh air since his appointment. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 16.