Frank Duff and the Legion of Mary

Sir, – Congratulations to Paddy Murray on his excellent article on Frank Duff ("Legion of Mary Founder deserves to be honoured", Opinion & Analysis, December 28th).

In this centenary year of the founding of the Legion of Mary, Frank Duff and his work is being celebrated throughout the world.

Sadly the event has gone unnoticed in his native city where he bravely provided care and shelter to so many in need and in most instances without the support of the State and church establishment at that time.

Over five years ago, my former colleague Cllr Frank Kennedy proposed that we erect a plaque to commemorate Frank Duff on a Legion of Mary building, which was agreed by Dublin City Council.


We contacted the Legion and suggested the option of locating it on the founding headquarters in Francis Street, or the Regina Coeli Hostel, or his former residence next to the hostel.

A Dublin City Council commemoration plaque can only be erected with the permission of the owner of the building.

Sadly despite several approaches by me and others to the Legion, for some reason they have not responded to our invitation to give the go-ahead for this plaque. Frank Duff deserves better. – Yours, etc,



Dublin City Councillor,

Dublin 6.

Sir, – Frank Duff was a man who lived out his Christian beliefs in a very practical way by caring for people who had nobody to speak up or care for them, which was in stark contrast to our State’s policy at that time. His social values and strength of character shine through.

He should be honoured and remembered not only in appreciation of him but also as an inspiration to our current leaders and civic society in general. – Yours, etc,




Co Clare.