Elite soccer clubs and money

Sir, – Lionel Messi, one of the finest footballers most people have ever watched, has moved to Paris Saint-Germain. His €25 million per year contract, along with another €25 million for signing on, is a rag-to-riches story most young footballers can only dream off but will never attain. Football has made multimillionaires of some of the elite but leaves many other players and clubs barely surviving.

This type of of disparity by clubs all across Europe, by owners with deep pockets, is as unfair as it is unbalanced.

This type of payout by the richer clubs to snap up the most prominent elite players must be halted by Uefa and other sporting bodies. It does nothing for the sport other than creating a wider schism and imbalance between the haves and have-nots. – Yours, etc,




Co Donegal.