Easter and reopening churches

Sir, – In arguing for the reopening of churches for public worship over Easter, Aisling Bastible asserts that "God is essential" (Letters, March 9th). I certainly agree with that assertion, but I would remind your readers of Patrick Kavanagh's line that "God is in the bits and pieces of everyday".

In this time of pandemic, surely believers can substitute other ways of finding God than through public worship, and comfort themselves with the knowledge that by avoiding gatherings in churches and elsewhere – which might put the health of the community at risk – they are following the commandment to love one another. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 18.

A chara, – I agree with Aisling Bastible and am impressed by the restraint, politeness and earnestness of her letter. Ireland is unique in its zeal in banning public Mass for what is now the best part of a year. Here in France, we are more fortunate. Catholics can go to Mass and the general public sees no cause for alarm. Masks, sanitising gels and social distancing have proven very effective, The French government did try twice to ban public Mass but both times failed when challenged in the courts. The supreme court ruled that banning the public celebration of Mass was excessive, disproportionate, of no benefit to public health and amounted to discrimination against Catholics and an attack on the freedom of religion. – Is mise,


Clichy, France.