Easter and reopening churches

Sir, – We are in the season of Lent and Easter is fast approaching. Many people have found the last year of the pandemic quite challenging on many fronts. It has been tough for so many people and a huge challenge for everyone all over the world.

For those of us who cherish our Catholic faith, the inability to access the sacraments, especially the sacrament of the Eucharist, for so many months has been particularly difficult.

As the most important week in the Christian calendar is nigh, many of us deeply desire to be able to participate in the Easter ceremonies in person this year. Online is just not quite the same.

I would ask both our church and political leaders that for those who wish to participate, and are able to, that our places of worship be open for the ceremonies of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.


All the safety measures would be in place, as they were before, and our churches were so safe as a result.

Last year we weren’t able to participate and it would be a great sorrow for so many people if we were not to to able to again this year.

Please open our churches especially in time for Holy Week. God is essential. –Yours, etc,




Dublin 3.