E-scooters must be legalised

Sir, – I want to use an e-scooter to commute from my Luas destination stop to my place of work. It is the most efficient way for me to get to my office daily.

It is much better than a bicycle because it is difficult to bring a bicycle on the Luas and a parked bicycle would be stolen, whereas I can carry my folded e-scooter onto the Luas and store it in my office locker when I get to work. I am an adult who understands the risks of e-scooters and who is willing to follow the rules imposed on e-scooter users.

I find it objectionable to be reminded by a State organisation in a patronising manner that my e-scooter "is not a toy" (Home News, November 28th), yet those who ride racing bicycles for recreational use in heavy traffic are not prevented from using them, nor has anybody reminded them that their bicycles are, in fact, nothing more than dangerous playthings.

If e-scooters are not legalised, then logic demands that bicycles should also be banned. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 3.