Donald Trump and media outlets

Sir, – RTÉ journalist Caitriona Perry, the latest recipient of unwanted attention from the president of the United States, is adjudged by your Weekend Review to have had a “Bad Week”. I disagree. She behaved with grace and dignity in a very difficult situation. I suggest that it is Donald Trump who should appear on your list. In fact, since his inauguration, one could argue he should never have been off it. – Yours, etc,


Rathgar, Dublin 6.

Sir, – Maureen Dowd (July 3rd) continues to give us a disturbing yet fascinating insight into the mind of the man whose office was once regarded as being that of the leader of the free world. How terribly cringe-worthy the whole daily news has become and such an embarrassment to all right-thinking people. What a sad and stark comparison it is to the honesty, compassion and humanity of the Obama presidency. I hope Maureen Dowd, with the quality and accuracy of her journalism, will continue to inform us on the accelerating journey down the slippery slope. – Yours, etc,



Clontarf, Dublin 3.

Sir, – Further to “Trump criticised for bullying tweets” (June 30th), whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad. – Yours, etc,


Dungarvan, Co Waterford.