Disability benefit and Covid-19 payments

Sir, – As someone with a chronic arthritic illness I can’t understand how those employees, who were let go by their employers during the Covid-19 pandemic, can be awarded a benefit greater than those of us with disabilities who, due to our condition, cannot work in full-time employment.

I’ve had to alter my life significantly not only in having to stop working but also in how I deal with day-to-day family life. I look after my family of three - aged 13, 10 and eight - while my wife goes to work each day. A lot of work goes into organising and dealing with children especially since they have not been in full-time education these past few months.

I would ask the Taoiseach if he thinks it’s right that a person with a disability is less capable of being able to organise and manage the family home? Then why are we entitled to only €204 per week?

And remember, there’s no clocking in or clocking out when you’re at home.


I believe that there is no proper value attached to those individuals who have a disability, particularly a physical one, in what they provide to their own families, especially amid the Covid-19 outbreak.

I think it’s time that people with disabilities were treated properly instead of being seen as citizens unable to contribute to the economy.

It’s only fair I believe that a better assessment is made of the Disability Allowance Benefit. – Yours, etc,

