Defence Forces’ pay settlement

Sir, – It is to be welcomed that PDforra members have accepted the recommendations of the Public Service Pay Commission in relation to Defence Forces' pay (Home News, October 31st).

However, this should only be the starting point. What is needed is a Defence Forces pay review body which will look at all aspects of pay and conditions.

Given the unique features of military service and the Defence Forces’ inability to take any form of industrial action, a mechanism needs to be put in place to ensure that members’ remuneration is adequate.

What is also needed is a commission on the future of the Defence Forces, to define their role and to look at what threats the State may face in the future.


The Taoiseach alluded to a commission recently in the Dáil.

The current crisis has been allowed to develop despite many warnings by serving and retired members of the Defence Forces, and the Government’s lack of action to date is appalling. They have shown a complete lack of respect for, and loyalty to the Defence Forces. The Defence Forces deserve a lot better. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.