Common sense and 5km limit

Sir, – Prior to the pandemic, I walked the so-called “Bog of Frogs” trail around Howth Head several times each week, usually at sunrise. On a typical day I’d encounter perhaps 10 other people along the way. The two hours and change of scenery invariably left me feeling relaxed and refreshed.

Unfortunately Howth is quite a long way outside of my 5km, as I live in Dublin city centre. The only respectably lengthy walk that I can do without continuous traffic noise is through the Irishtown Nature Reserve and on to the Poolbeg lighthouse. The route is invariably much busier than Howth would be, and the latter portion of it is impassable at high tide.

Being trapped in the city centre for the better part of the year has done my mental health no favours.

I don’t envy those having to make decisions for us, but a little common sense about the 5km limit would be good. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 4.