Climate justice and humanitarian crises

A chara, – I refer to the recent letter (July 18th) on the humanitarian crisis unfolding in East Africa. Concern Worldwide and Trócaire emphasise that "the time to act is now, before it is too late". Humanitarian crises of this scale – fuelled by drought, conflict, and disease – will become more prevalent under climate change.

The already vulnerable populations of East Africa are now at the forefront of these changes. While contributing least to global environmental degradation, they are suffering most.

The principles of climate justice place an onus on Ireland to share the burden of response; in fact, to take greater responsibility. Therefore we need to be more ambitious on reducing emissions.

Unfortunately, the publication of Ireland’s first climate change mitigation plan this week suggests that while the Government might understand the scale of action needed, there is an unwillingness to act now. Vulnerable populations of the world can no longer wait; it is already proving too late. – Yours, etc,



Environmental Justice


Jesuit Centre

for Faith and Justice,

Upper Sherrard Street,

Dublin 1 .