Bus lanes and motorists

Sir, – Might the National Transport Authority see any connection between your recent report detailing fines imposed on bus companies ("Go-Ahead fined ¤70,000 for late or unreliable bus services", News, October 10th) and the letter from Jim Franey (Letters, October 14th) who notes the complete absence of enforcement of bus-lane regulations? It seems extremely unfair to punish the bus companies for circumstances outside their control.

To Mr Franey’s observations I would add the “I’ll just be a minute” drivers in Dublin who cause serious delays at many major junctions, such as Baggot Street and Mespil Road, Dundrum village and Leonard’s Corner. Meanwhile, down nearby lanes and side-roads, clamping vans are “promoting sensible parking” by penalising legitimately parked cars whose time has expired by as little as 15 minutes.

If we expect commuters to change to more sustainable transport options, the relevant authorities need to ensure that those modes – including walking, cycling and scooting – are afforded top priority as they navigate our congested cities. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 16.