Bus lanes and front gardens

Sir, – Earlier this month, nearly two years after it was announced, the National Transport Authority (NTA) decided to shelve plans to relieve traffic congestion at the Merrion Gates Dart crossing in Dublin. Part of that plan proposed the acquisition of some front gardens of local properties to facilitate road engineering works. There were approximately 35 properties directly impacted by the proposal but there was substantial local opposition to the plan.

Last October, the NTA withdrew funding for a 6km quality cycle lane along Dublin’s river Liffey. This came after five years of disagreement among Dublin City councillors to agree a route after eight options proposed by Dublin City Council were continuously objected to.

The Bus Connects plan to re-engineer over 200km of roads for a quality bus and cycle lane network would be a help towards relieving Dublin’s chronic traffic congestion crisis. However, if we as a society cannot tolerate a 6km city cycle lane nor solve traffic congestion at a single railway crossing, do we seriously believe a plan that will impact over 1,300 property owners will really see the light of day?

I hope we will see something in 10 years but I would not bet the house on it. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.