Bus Connects and the capital

Sir, – I refer to John Thompson's letter of April 27th and his belief that Bus Connects could improve bus travel times from Rathfarnham by an extraordinary 50 minutes.

Sadly, this letter writer has been taken in by the amazing claims in the glossy Bus Connects brochures. For numbers closer to the truth, I recommend he reads page 311 of the NTA’s own CBC Feasibility Study and Options Report which states that peak-time inbound journeys times for this route are, at worst, 28 minutes.

As there are already significant bus lanes on this route, and the introduction of cashless fares and priority signalling at junctions could improve journey time by a further seven minutes.

If the magical Bus Connects can improve Mr Thompson’s journey by 50 minutes, then, alarmingly, he’s very much at risk of meeting himself going in the other direction. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6W.