Britishness and a united Ireland

Sir, – Hugo MacNeill's piece is the latest offering that sails dangerously close to the notion of shared sovereignty post-unification ("What elements of Britishness would be incorporated into a united Ireland?", Opinion & Analysis, September 6th).

The suggestion that we should contemplate rejoining the Commonwealth, fly the British union flag on ceremonial occasions and tolerate July 12th marches is bad enough, but his further suggestion that taxpayers in the 26 counties might be levied to allow an NHS health service to continue in the six counties is laughable.

I do wonder if it is all part of a grand scheme to ensure “southern” voters reject unification in a border poll.

As a “Brit” who in retirement has moved to Co Donegal, I ask nothing of the State except to treat me fairly as a resident and taxpayer. I ask for no political or cultural compromise or favouritism or accommodation over my indigenous neighbours who have now become good friends. Why is that not enough for unionists post-unification? – Yours, etc,




Co Donegal.