Brexit and popular opinion

Sir, –Fintan O'Toole has been mounting a relentless barrage of criticism, in your paper and elsewhere, at the Brexiteers. Most recently he compares Brexit to a Monty Python sketch ("England turned the EU into a Monty Python sketch. Now it's stuck in one", Opinion & Analysis, November 24th).

That is all very well, but I cannot help being struck by how little blame O’Toole is willing to level at the other party involved in this, namely the EU. Where now is the columnist that railed against Ireland’s treatment at the hands of the troika during the crash, when he deemed us to be a collective sacrifice? I see no mention of the outrageous treatment levelled at Greece, or the attempts by Brussels to negotiate secretive “free trade” agreements. I could go on.

I would take your columnist’s views a lot more seriously if he focused a little more on the way the EU has developed in recent years, and obsessed just a little less about the supposed obduracy and little-Englandism of the UK electorate. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 6.

Sir, – Let me know when this Brexit business is over. I’m not sure I can stand to read another opinion column on the subject or listen to another vox pop interview with a market trader. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.