Brexit and emigrants

Sir, – Emigration has returned as the hot topic in British politics, with the news this week that the Home Office has been busy trying to get rid of those emigrants that arrived from the Commonwealth to help Britain rebuild itself in the aftermath of the second World War.

Great timing, as many Commonwealth leaders are gathering in London this week so that the British government can reinforce its new-found enthusiasm to forge stronger trading relationships with the old colonies post-Brexit.

Theresa May was in charge of the Home Office when this policy of hostility to migrants became the norm, and has been pursued with relish since, with cases of people being denied urgent medical care, losing their employment, and indeed being detained and threatened with deportation.

We know that emigration was one of the main reasons for the vote to Leave, so the reassurances from the Brexit camp that those of us Europeans who have made such a valuable contribution to the success of the United Kingdom are very welcome to remain may now be seen in a different light.


I have lived in the UK for the best part of 40 years and raised my family here, but it increasingly feels less like home. I do not trust David Davis, and Boris Johnson, and Jacob Rees-Mogg, and the like, and I would urge you all to be very wary of their promises for the quality of life after Brexit. – Yours, etc,

