Brexit – a time for choices

Sir, – It is difficult to understand the political parties in Northern Ireland squabbling over issues to the extent that they are unable to form a government in Stormont. This is particularly so with the background of Brexit and the triggering of article 50 by the British prime minister. Brexit raises enormously important issues for the people in the North but there is no Stormont government to fight the fight for the people there when it is most needed. It reminds me of the Pink Panther sketch where Insp Clouseau is engrossed with the organ grinder's monkey licence when all the while there is a bank robbery going on in the background. It would be funny if it were not so serious. – Yours, etc,



Co Louth.


Sir, – Why this binary choice between closer ties with the UK or the EU – two political unions in terminal decline – especially when 94 per cent of the human race lives outside both? In fairness, those Europhiles who aren’t living in denial admit that the euro has been a disaster. It’s a 1999 response to the hyperinflation of 75 years earlier. What’s more the 2012 “fiscal compact” treaty condemns its signatories to permanent stagnation.

Ireland is a maritime country in the North Atlantic, an open economy with a flexible, literate, highly educated and – above all – English-speaking workforce. To what kind of future can she look forward walled into an anti-democratic, over-regulated, protectionist little customs union with its job-destroying currency and within which hardly anyone else speaks English as their mother tongue? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.

A chara, – Now that article 50 has been triggered, can we now hope that our Government, with the help of our European partners, will invest heavily in our ports in Rosslare, Waterford, and Cork so that our European trade can be linked directly with Europe instead of using Britain as a stepping stone to the Continent? – Is mise,


Ballyfermot ,

Dublin 10.

Sir, – In a letter of such international and historical significance, it is perhaps surprising that British prime minister (or more likely, her officials) are unaware of the correct name of this country. The letter uses the phrase “Republic of Ireland” three times. The name of the country is “Ireland”, and indeed every reference to the country throughout the EU refers to “Ireland”. Article 4 of our Constitution states, “The name of the State is Éire, or, in the English language, Ireland.” I don’t think Ms May was referring to our international soccer team.

I suppose one should be grateful for small mercies. Ms May’s letter could have referred to “Eire” (which, in the absence of the fada, means an encumbrance or burden, which no doubt Ireland has been to Britain for many years!) – Yours, etc,



Co Westmeath.

Sir, – In responding to my article "A shared-space solution to Ireland's Brexit problem" (Opinion & Analysis, March 24th), MD Kennedy (March 29th) goes straight for the capillary in complaining that I refer to Britain as the mainland. Is this really the best focus to propose in debating the right Irish response to a hard Brexit? In any case, the capillary remains intact. Referring to mainland Britain as distinct from the part of Britain north of the Border does not amount to treating Britain as the mainland. – Yours, etc,


Australian National




Sir, – I am sure I speak for many when I say let’s have a break from Brexit. Let’s have more news that celebrates the individuality and uniqueness of Ireland – and its place in a global context. – Yours, etc,


Dungarvan, Co Waterford.

Sir, – A cunning plan to reverse Brexit! As article 50 is invoked, thousands of British citizens of Irish ancestry flock to get Irish passports. The pyramid principle kicks in, as their children and grandchildren qualify to play football and sing for Ireland in the Eurovision song contest. As the UK begins to see the error of its ways, hordes of young Brits seek out comely Irish maidens and boyos to marry in a mad scramble to become Irish.

Finally by 2050, the Irish become the majority and British passports are abolished. Danny Boy becomes the new national anthem. The United Kingdom is renamed the United Irish Kingdom and rejoins the EU, and we all live happily ever after. You heard it here first! – Yours, etc,



Dublin 3.