Autism – going beyond assessment

Sir, – As a parent of a child with autism, I read with interest and dismay the concerns about under-diagnosis of this condition in specific groups including those of female gender and those from Traveller communities ("Twentyfold jump in autism diagnoses in England over two decades," September 27th).

What a loss for those with this neurodevelopmental condition that they are not recognised and assisted to reach their potential in a timely manner. Recognition, assessment and diagnosis of those with Autism Spectrum Disorder is vital. But after diagnosis must come intervention, meaningful intervention from skilled professionals from multidisciplinary teams that recognise the unique profile of individuals with ASD and co-ordinate a tailored plan to address their needs.

Anything else is lip service. Which ultimately leads to complaints, court cases, redress boards and money not well spent.

The time is now.


– Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.